Marissa Freeman, Director of Client Success, brings you July's Director’s Digest, which delves into the implications of Consent Mode for your website and why failing to implement it could severely hinder your marketing efforts.

Four years ago, in September 2020, Google unveiled a groundbreaking tool designed to revolutionise how websites handle user consent and data privacy. 

This tool, known as Consent Mode, is not just a technical adjustment—it's a strategic necessity for any business navigating the complexities of modern digital marketing.  Over the past few years, the urgency to implement Consent Mode has intensified due to increased enforcement of data privacy laws and growing consumer awareness about data rights.

What is Consent Mode?

Consent Mode is a feature developed by Google to help websites comply with data privacy laws by respecting user consent regarding data collection. 

When a user visits a website, they are typically asked for permission to use cookies (small text files stored on the user's device that track and store information about their activity on the site) for analytics and advertising purposes. You’re probably familiar with those little buttons where you choose to ‘Accept’ or ‘Decline’ (as a digital marketer with a vested interest in analytics, I’m hoping you click ‘Accept, my dear reader!).

Consent Mode adjusts how Google tags (snippets of code that collect data for Google services like Google Analytics and Google Ads) behave based on the user's consent choices—in other words, they behave differently depending on whether you accept or decline Google's request to use your data.

If a user does not consent, Google is legally obligated to limit data collection to protect user privacy. This means that Google will not track detailed data on user interactions without explicit permission. Consequently, the vital data needed to optimise advertising campaigns isn't unavailable. 

Why is Consent Mode So Important?

Consent Mode is crucial because your advertising campaigns will only work with it. When users do not consent to data collection, there is no data to inform and optimise your campaigns. This lack of data means your ads cannot reach their intended audience, leading to poor performance and wasted marketing budgets. Essentially, without Consent Mode, your marketing efforts are flying blind, unable to leverage valuable insights that drive successful marketing strategies. This can severely compromise your business's ability to grow and compete in the market. I’m still meeting new clients each week who do not have Consent Mode switched on- don’t be one of them!

How Does Consent Mode Work?

User Provides Consent

Suppose the user consents to both analytics and ad storage. In that case, Google Analytics will operate normally, collecting comprehensive data about the user's interactions. Google Ads will also use cookies to personalise ads and measure their effectiveness. This data is crucial for ensuring that your advertising campaigns are targeted and optimised effectively.

User Declines Consent

If the user declines consent for analytics storage, Google Analytics operates in a restricted mode, using only anonymous and aggregated data. This limits your ability to track individual user behaviour but still provides basic insights such as overall traffic volume. Similarly, if the user declines consent for ad storage, Google Ads will not use cookies for personalised advertising but will still track ad clicks and impressions in a non-personalised manner to measure campaign performance. This reduced data significantly hampers your ability to run effective campaigns.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Failing to implement Consent Mode can have severe repercussions for your business. Laws such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) mandate that businesses obtain user consent before collecting and processing personal data. Consent Mode ensures that your data collection practices are aligned with these laws and regulations, minimising the risk of non-compliance. Non-compliance can lead to substantial fines. These penalties can drain your resources and damage your reputation, emphasising the need for robust compliance mechanisms like Consent Mode.

Ineffective Advertising Campaigns

The most immediate and impactful consequence of neglecting Consent Mode is the ineffectiveness of your advertising campaigns. Without proper consent data, your campaigns cannot be optimised. This means your ads are less targeted, leading to lower conversion rates and a poor return on investment. Ineffective campaigns waste your marketing budget, as money is spent on ads that do not reach the right audience or fail to engage users effectively. This not only diminishes your marketing efficiency but also results in lost revenue opportunities.

Incomplete Data Insights

Lack of Consent Mode can result in incomplete or inaccurate data, making it difficult to understand user behaviour and website performance accurately. Incomplete data hampers your ability to make informed decisions, leaving you with a skewed perception of your audience and their needs. This distorted view prevents you from fine-tuning your strategies, ultimately leading to subpar performance across your marketing efforts. Accurate data is the backbone of effective decision-making, and without it, your business is at a significant disadvantage.

Loss of User Trust

Users are increasingly aware of their data privacy rights. Not respecting their consent choices can significantly damage your reputation and erode trust. When users do not trust your website, they are less likely to engage with your brand. Without user trust, your data pool shrinks, making it harder to gain actionable insights for optimising your advertising efforts.

By not implementing Consent Mode, you are essentially hindering your marketing efforts. The data that fuels successful advertising is either incomplete or non-existent, making it impossible to optimise your campaigns. This directly impacts your bottom line, as ineffective campaigns result in wasted spending and lost revenue opportunities.

Implementing Consent Mode: A Strategic Necessity

Implementing Google Consent Mode is like flicking a switch in our website code. It involves updating your website's tag management setup, typically done through Google Tag Manager. This quick and straightforward process is essential for your marketing strategy and compliance efforts and ensures that your campaigns are data-driven and effective.

How Fingo Can Help

At Fingo, we understand the urgency and importance of implementing Consent Mode for your business's digital strategy. Our team of digital experts can help you seamlessly implement Google Consent Mode, ensuring your website remains compliant and your marketing campaigns stay effective. Don't wait until it's too late; ensure your marketing efforts are fully optimised and compliant now. Contact us at today.